
Yoga's Gluteal Boost: Top Postures For Firming and Strengthening Your Backside

While gym workouts are common methods to target these muscles, yoga offers a holistic approach to strengthen and enhance the gluteal region.

Varun Verma
Written by: Varun VermaUpdated at: Jul 20, 2023 01:30 IST
Yoga's Gluteal Boost: Top Postures For Firming and Strengthening Your Backside

Onlymyhealth Tamil

In the pursuit of a balanced and toned physique, one cannot underestimate the importance of strong gluteal muscles. While gym workouts and weightlifting are common methods to target these muscles, yoga offers a holistic approach to strengthen and enhance the gluteal region. Through a series of mindful postures and poses, yoga can not only sculpt your glutes but also promote flexibility and inner harmony. To learn more about the yoga postures to strengthen gluteal muscles, we spoke to Ishaan Arora, Karnal-based Body Building India certified Fitness Trainer, who currently provides online fitness-related tips. 

What are Gluteal Muscles?

"The gluteal muscles, located in the buttocks, are among the largest and most powerful muscles in the human body. The primary muscle, the gluteus maximus, helps in hip extension, thigh abduction, and external rotation of the hip joint," said the expert.

He added that the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus play essential roles in stabilising the pelvis during walking, running, and other weight-bearing activities. "Weak gluteal muscles can lead to lower back pain, hip instability, and inefficient movement patterns. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on exercises that engage and strengthen these muscles," he suggested.

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Top Yoga Postures for Enhancing Your Gluteal Muscles

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)


"The bridge pose is a classic yoga asana that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. This posture not only strengthens the glutes but also stimulates the thyroid gland and improves digestion," said Arora.

"To perform this pose, lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-distance apart. Press your feet into the ground, lift your hips off the mat, and interlace your fingers beneath your back. Hold the pose for a few breaths, squeezing your glutes to lift the hips higher," he explained.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

"Warrior II is a powerful standing pose that engages the gluteus maximus while opening the hips and chest. Warrior II also enhances focus and stamina," said Arora.


He explained that from a standing position, step one foot back, ensuring the front heel aligns with the arch of the back foot. Bend the front knee to a 90-degree angle and extend your arms parallel to the ground. Sink into the pose and feel the activation of your glute muscles as you hold the position. 

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Chair Pose-Utkatasana

"Utkatasana, commonly known as chair pose, is an effective way to strengthen the glutes, thighs, and calves. This pose is a fantastic yoga posture for building endurance and toning the lower body," said the expert.

"Begin by standing with feet together, then bend your knees as if sitting on an imaginary chair. Keep your chest lifted, and raise your arms overhead. Hold the pose while engaging your glutes, and you'll soon feel the burn in the buttocks," suggested Arora.

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Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)


Arora suggested that ardha chandrasana challenges your gluteal muscles for stability and strength. This posture also improves balance and coordination."

"From a triangle pose, bend your front knee slightly and place your hand on the ground, about a foot in front of your foot. Lift your back leg off the floor, parallel to the ground, and extend your top arm toward the sky. Engage your glutes to keep the lifted leg steady and hold the pose for a few breaths," directed the expert.

Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana)



"Lizard pose is a deep hip opener that targets the gluteus maximus and hip flexors. This pose not only strengthens the glutes but also releases tension in the hips," explained Arora.


"Start in a plank position, step one foot forward between your hands. Lower your back knee to the mat and shift your weight onto the front leg, feeling a stretch in the hip area. For a more intense glute workout, lift your back foot off the ground and hold the pose," he suggested.


By incorporating these poses into your regular yoga practice, you can embark on a journey to a firmer and healthier gluteal region while reaping the myriad benefits yoga has to offer. But make sure to go easy on yourself if you are a beginner to prevent any injury.

Image Credits: feepik
