Baby Care In Monsoon: 8 Tips To Keep In Mind To Keep A Check On Your Baby's Health

By following these tips & taking necessary precautions, you can ensure that your little one stays healthy and enjoys the monsoon season to the fullest

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Jul 17, 2023 15:31 IST
Baby Care In Monsoon: 8 Tips To Keep In Mind To Keep A Check On Your Baby's Health

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Monsoon brings relief from the scorching summer heat, but it also brings with it a set of challenges, especially when it comes to taking care of your little ones. The increased humidity and moisture in the air can make babies more susceptible to various health issues. To ensure your baby stays healthy and happy during this rainy season, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

Tips For Baby Care In Monsoon

1. Dress your baby appropriately

Choose light, breathable clothing for your baby to prevent overheating. Opt for cotton fabrics that can absorb sweat and keep the baby comfortable. Avoid using synthetic or tight-fitting clothes that can cause rashes or skin irritations.

2. Maintain proper hygiene

Keep your baby clean and dry to prevent fungal infections and diaper rashes. Change diapers frequently and use a good-quality diaper rash cream. Make sure to wash your baby's hands and feet with mild soap and warm water after playing outdoors.

3. Protect against mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are more prevalent during the monsoon season, so take measures to protect your baby from mosquito bites. Use mosquito nets, repellents, or natural remedies like neem oil or citronella-based products, especially during the evenings when mosquitoes are most active.

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4. Keep the surroundings clean

Ensure that your baby's living area is clean and free from stagnant water. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so remove any sources of standing water near your home. Regularly clean and disinfect toys, feeding bottles, and other baby essentials to prevent the growth of germs and bacteria.

Tips For Baby Care In Monsoon

5. Avoid taking your baby out during heavy rains

It's best to keep your baby indoors during heavy rainfall to avoid exposure to rainwater, which may contain harmful pollutants. If you do need to go out, use a good-quality raincoat or an umbrella to protect your baby from getting wet.

6. Be cautious about waterborne diseases

During the monsoon season, waterborne diseases like diarrhoea and cholera are more common. Ensure that the water used for drinking and preparing baby food is clean and filtered. If you are using bottled water, check the seal and expiration date.

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7. Boost your baby's immune system

A strong immune system is crucial for your baby's well-being. Breastfeeding is an excellent way to provide essential nutrients and antibodies that can enhance your baby's immunity. Additionally, include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your baby's diet to provide necessary vitamins and minerals.

8. Regularly visit your paediatrician

Schedule regular check-ups with your baby's paediatrician to monitor their health and development. Vaccinations should be up-to-date to protect your baby from various illnesses.

Remember, your baby's well-being is a top priority. By following these tips and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure that your little one stays healthy and enjoys the monsoon season to the fullest.
