Alwar Child Suffers Severe Tremors After Losing Online Games; 5 Tips For Prevention

While gaming can be an enjoyable and immersive experience, it is crucial to prioritise the well-being of young gamers. 

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Jul 13, 2023 18:44 IST
Alwar Child Suffers Severe Tremors After Losing Online Games; 5 Tips For Prevention

Onlymyhealth Tamil

In a concerning incident, a child from Alwar recently experienced severe tremors after losing multiple online games. This incident highlights the potential negative effects of excessive gaming and the importance of taking preventive measures to ensure the well-being of young gamers.

Prevention Tips For Online Gaming 

Here are some valuable tips for preventing such incidents and promoting a healthy gaming experience.

1. Set Time Limits

One of the key aspects of maintaining a healthy gaming routine is setting reasonable time limits. Establishing boundaries and encouraging breaks not only prevents excessive gaming but also allows children to engage in other activities, such as physical exercise, social interactions, and educational pursuits.

2. Encourage Physical Activity

Encouraging physical activity can help counterbalance the sedentary nature of gaming. Encourage your child to participate in sports, outdoor games, or even indoor exercises that promote movement and overall well-being. Physical activity not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also helps reduce the risk of physical and psychological issues associated with excessive screen time.

Alwar Child Suffers Severe Tremors After Losing Online Games Tips For Prevention

3. Teach Good Sportsmanship

Online gaming often involves competition, and winning or losing can evoke strong emotions. Teach your child the importance of good sportsmanship, emphasising that gaming is about fun, learning, and building relationships, rather than solely winning. Encourage them to treat opponents with respect and handle defeat gracefully.

4. Monitor and Moderate Content

Be mindful of the games your child plays and their content. Check age ratings, reviews, and online communities to ensure that the games they engage with are appropriate for their age and temperament. Stay informed about potential risks associated with specific games, such as excessive violence or addictive gameplay mechanics.

5. Create Tech-Free Zones and Times

Designate certain areas of your home, such as bedrooms or dining areas, as tech-free zones. This helps establish healthy boundaries and encourages a balanced lifestyle. Additionally, set specific times during the day when electronic devices, including gaming consoles, are not allowed, allowing your child to disconnect and engage in alternative activities.
