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10 Things To Remember Before Undergoing IVF Treatment, Expert Weighs In

IVF treatment is not simple as there are multiple steps to the treatment. Thus, it becomes essential to prepare the mind and body for the same.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: May 04, 2023 18:21 IST
10 Things To Remember Before Undergoing IVF Treatment, Expert Weighs In

Onlymyhealth Tamil

The experience of parenthood is a uniquely rewarding one. From the birth of a child to their developmental milestones, parents are filled with a sense of pride and delight. Nevertheless, contemporary lifestyles have presented obstacles to natural conception. In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) presents a viable solution for prospective parents.

Key Points To Remember Before IVF Treatment

The IVF treatment is not as simple as there are multiple steps to the treatment. Thus, it becomes essential to prepare the mind and body for this treatment. Speaking with the editorial team of OnlyMyHealth, Dr Jyoti Bandi,  Director of DYU Healthcare shares a few points that need to be considered before undergoing an IVF treatment.

1. Visiting a fertility centre

It is important to visit a fertility centre and understand the course of the treatment. Some procedures could vary from person to person and it becomes extremely important to meet an expert and understand the plan rather than relying on the internet or friends. 

Understand the technology they use and how it would increase the success of IVF treatment. Check with the doctors if they use robotic technology and Artificial intelligence (AI) in choosing the sperm and egg, as both of these can reduce human errors by up to 95%. During the first visit, a complete gynaecological examination will be carried out to diagnose problems, if any. Apart from this, there will also be a battery of blood tests, ultrasound scan and routine checks to ensure that there aren’t any other ailments that could hamper the treatment.

Things To Remember Before Undergoing IVF Treatment

Also read: First Time Mothers' Guide: How To Know If Your Infant Has Malaria, Expert Weighs In

2. Pre-IVF medication

Post the test results, the doctor will prescribe medication to ensure good quality of eggs and sperms. For general well-being, the woman is prescribed Folic acid, multivitamins and Vitamin B. Folic acid is prescribed to help in the improvement of the spine and nervous system of the child to reduce the risk of Neural Tube Defect. If the woman has poor ovarian reserves or poor egg count, supplements are given to increase the quality of eggs. If she has PCOD/PCOS, supplements are provided that help in follicular development and also reduce the risk of OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome). Men could also be given medication and supplements to reduce oxidative stress as well as increase the count and quality of sperms.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

It is important that both the man and woman maintain healthy weight as per BMI, they shouldn’t be overweight or underweight before the treatment. If they are overweight, routine exercise and enrolling in a medical gym can help in achieving the desired weight without any impact on their health

4. Minimal physical exercise

While it is important to remain active, activities like walking, yoga, and mild cardio are good for the body. However, it isn’t recommended to do something very tough. For men, it is important that they do not sit for long periods and they should take short walks as it increases the blood supply to the testes. 

5. Don’t place gadgets close to reproductive organs

It is advisable not to keep laptops on the lap and mobile phones away from pant pockets as it hampers sperm production.

Things To Remember Before Undergoing IVF Treatment

Also read: First Time Mothers' Guide: How To Know If Your Infant Has Malaria, Expert Weighs In

6. Wear loose underwear

Men should wear loose and breathable innerwear as tight underwear can hamper blood supply. There are also newer technologies to increase pelvic floor blood circulations which are non-invasive, have zero down time, safe and US FDA approved electro-magnetic devices like the Emsella chair. These are very short procedure and effective in increasing blood flow as well as strengthening the pelvic floor.

7. Stress management

It is essential that individuals planning to undergo an IVF treatment maintain 8 hours of sleep, stay hydrated and not take unnecessary stress as stress causes oxidation and decreases the quality of eggs and sperm count. 

8. Mental health

Whether it’s a normal pregnancy or an IVF treatment, a positive mindset and good mental health are important for a healthy and complication-free pregnancy.

9. Nutrition

Adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and choose lean proteins. Eat foods rich in healthy fats and switch to low-fat dairy products. Hydrate well, avoid salt, red meat, processed food and refined grains.

10. Financial awareness

IVF is a costly treatment. It becomes essential to plan your finances and understand the costs before deciding to start the treatment. Consider financial options like monthly or zero percent EMI if funds are a cause of worry.
