How to use apple cider vinegar for a healthy skin

Fashion & BeautyBy Onlymyhealth editorial teamNov 01, 2016

Vinegar, commonly used for cooking purposes, is natural and offers many beauty benefits. It can truly improve the look of your hair and skin. It can help prevent blemishes, make nail polish last longer, speed up bruises and give shine to your hair. To get great hair with cider vinegar, watch the video. Either you can use it directly on your scalp or you can mix it with some water. Apple cider vinegar, (two teaspoonfuls) when mixed with a cup of water makes an excellent hair rinse. Douse your hair after washing and follow with a light conditioner. The acetic acid gets rid of residue from product buildup and makes your hair shinny and lustrous and moreover, it can help you get rid of dandruff on scalp.
