How to prevent stickiness in monsoons

Fashion & BeautyBy Onlymyhealth editorial teamOct 26, 2016

People enjoy rains, people enjoy monsoon but no one enjoys the sticky skin that comes with the monsoons. Actually, monsoon causes humidity in the weather and you always feel a layer of sweat on your skin making you feel sticky. Now, this stickiness can lead to many other skin troubles like pimples and acne. To prevent this stickiness you must wash your face twice a day with a medicated face wash or choose a face-wash according to your skin type. If your skin is prone to acne and pimples go for an anti-acne face-wash, if you have dry skin, go for a moisture based face-wash, wear cotton clothes, and stay indoors in air-conditioned places to keep yourself dry, wear comfortable shoes like open sandals, so that moisture does not get locked in your feet. Make use of powders to stay dry all the time.
