Hair Oiling Benefits: How To Do It The Right Way

Massaging the oil into the scalp promotes blood circulation, which can aid in hair growth. 

Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Jan 25, 2023 14:11 IST
Hair Oiling Benefits: How To Do It The Right Way

Onlymyhealth Tamil

The practice of pouring oil into hair and massaging it into the scalp to promote moisture, lustre, and shine is known as hair oiling. Hair oiling can soften the hair and replenish lost vitamins and minerals due to regular washing.

Hair oiling has extended beyond Ayurvedic techniques, and many people utilise it to keep their hair healthy and vibrant. According to experts, it may even help to minimise hair loss.

How To Oil Your Hair In A Correct Way 

Massaging the oil into the scalp promotes blood circulation, which can aid in hair growth. Applying oil to the scalp may also help to avoid dandruff. Follow these steps to oil your hair correctly. 

  • Start by brushing your hair to detangle it and remove any knots
  • Use your fingers to separate your hair and apply a few drops of oil onto your scalp
  • Massage the oil into your scalp in a circular motion with your fingers.
  • Once you’ve massaged your scalp, run the oil through your hair from the roots to the tips
  • Comb the oil through your hair to spread it evenly
  • Allow the oil to remain in your hair for 30 to an hour.
  • Use a light paraben-free shampoo to wash your hair.
  • Rinse your hair with cold water to help seal in the oil

Advantages Of Oiling Your Hair

Prevents breakage 

Oiling your hair helps to strengthen the hair follicles, which in turn helps prevent hair breakage and hair loss. Oiling helps in nourishing the scalp and promoting healthy hair growth.

Also read: Ayurveda Swears By Hair Oiling: Know Benefits, Right Technique

Reduces Hair Damage 

Oiling helps protect the hair from environmental damage and breakage caused by the sun, wind and pollution. To Make hair look shiny and healthy, oiling is necessary. It also aids in the addition of volume and substance to the hair

Prevents Split Ends

Oiling your hair helps to prevent split ends and keeps the hair looking healthy and strong. And improves the texture of your hair, making it more manageable.

Prevents Dandruff

Oiling your hair helps to reduce dandruff and keep the scalp clean and healthy.

Also read: Dos and Don'ts of Hair Oiling To Promote Growth and Reduce Hair Problems

Types Of Oil Which You Can Use

Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil is the most popular hair oil, particularly in South Asia. Main fatty acid present in coconut oil is lauric acid. It has a strong affinity for hair protein, which means it may easily penetrate the hair shaft by bonding with it. As a result, it is one of the most effective oils for minimising protein loss in both damaged and healthy hair.

Sesame Seed Oil

Sesame oil lowers frizziness of oil and may help prevent split ends. It has a high concentration of vitamin B1, calcium, copper, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. Sesame oil also moisturises the scalp and smoothes the hair shaft. Sesame oil's antibacterial and antifungal qualities may aid in the prevention of dandruff.

Almond Oil

Almond oil contains vitamins B, K, and E. Biotin is another name for vitamin B7 present in almond oil, and may also aid in hair development, albeit data is limited, particularly when it comes to topical treatment.

Bhringraj Oil

Aside from the oils mentioned above, ayurvedic experts recommend bhringraj oil or amla oil. Both oils help release stress and assist in balancing the pitta dosha, which controls digestion metabolism and energy production. 

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