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Men! Here Are Foods That Are Bad For Your Testosterone

Several factors can impact testosterone levels in men, including diet. Our expert shares the foods to eat & avoid to maintain healthy testosterone.

Tenzin Chodon
Written by: Tenzin ChodonUpdated at: Jun 26, 2023 13:41 IST
Men! Here Are Foods That Are Bad For Your Testosterone

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and plays a crucial role in various aspects of men's health, including the development of male reproductive organs, secondary sexual characteristics, and the regulation of sex drive. Testosterone also plays a role in maintaining muscle mass, bone density, red blood cell production, and overall well-being in men. In this article, we will discuss how diet impacts testosterone in men and foods that should be avoided to maintain healthy levels. Speaking with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Astha Dayal, Lead Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, shares some insights. 

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The Role Of Diet In Hormone Production And Fertility

“Diet can affect the production and secretion of hormones in many ways," said Dr Dayal, adding, “Not only the composition of the diet, but also its texture, quantity and duration affects reproductive health.”

According to the doctor, diets high in unsaturated fats, whole grains, vegetables, and fish have been associated with improved fertility in both women and men. In fact, a study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology found that the intake of trans fatty acids was associated with lower total testosterone and calculated free testosterone concentrations. 

Dr Dayal said, “There is inconsistent evidence on the role of dairy, alcohol, and caffeine in reproduction. However, in a small study, full-fat dairy products were associated with a lower risk of infertility while low-fat dairy products were associated with a higher risk.”

In addition, besides intake of specific foods, according to the doctor, obesity is in itself a risk factor for infertility in both women and men, whereas women who are underweight are also at a risk of subfertility.

“Routinely, we recommend 400 μg of folic acid per day for women trying for pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects in babies. We also recommend omega 3 fatty acids(fish oil) and vitamin D supplements for a healthy pregnancy,” shared the doctor.

Foods That Are Harmful For Testosterone In Men

According to Dr Dayal, there is a bidirectional relationship between food metabolism and testosterone levels in men. “A high consumption of western-style diet that is high in the refined carbs and sugars found in white bread, desserts, pastries, and sweetened soft drinks, fast foods, fried foods, rich in unhealthy fats, high consumption of dairy, eating out, and a low intake of homemade foods, noodles, and dark green vegetables, all lead to low testosterone levels,” she explained.

She recommends having a diet rich in lean proteins (skinless poultry, seafood), eggs, colourful fruits and vegetables (berries, leafy greens, carrots, broccoli), legumes (kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas), nuts, seeds, and whole grains (oats, brown rice, whole wheat cereals and breads).

Also Read: Thyroid Disorder Can Affect Men Too: Signs To Watch Out For

Other Factors That Can Affect Testosterone Levels

Testosterone levels in men can also be affected by other factors. These include:

  • Health conditions like diabetes and kidney disease
  • Injury or infection in testes
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Alcoholism
  • Medicines like painkillers and steroids 
  • Age


In conclusion, Dr Dayal noted that there isn’t any single food or supplement that can permanently boost low testosterone levels. “Our body makes hormones from the nutrients we eat, especially fat, protein, and certain vitamins and minerals,” she said, adding that eating a healthy, balanced diet is helpful to maintain healthy testosterone levels. “We don't recommend testosterone boosters as supplements to improve levels of the hormones. If testosterone levels are low, specific hormone replacement therapy is advised by doctors,”she highlighted. 
