Bad Body Odour In Monsoon: Easy Ways To Keep That Musty Smell At Bay

The increase in humidity during the monsoon creates a breeding ground for bacteria on the skin, leading to that unpleasant musty smell.

Varun Verma
Written by: Varun VermaUpdated at: Jul 28, 2023 16:23 IST
Bad Body Odour In Monsoon: Easy Ways To Keep That Musty Smell At Bay

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Who doesn't like the earthy smell when rain drops on land? It's pleasing and rejuvenating. On the other side, your body may also develop a foul odour during monsoon, which could be embarrassing and uncomfortable. This is because the increase in humidity during the monsoon creates a breeding ground for bacteria on the skin, leading to that unpleasant musty smell. To bring an end to this problem, here are some easy ways you can follow. But before diving into it, let's know some reasons for bad odour during monsoon. 

Bad Odour In Monsoon

Sweat, in itself, is odourless; however, when it remains on the skin for an extended period, bacteria begin to break it down, resulting in a characteristic foul smell. The warm and damp conditions during this season create an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, leading to the formation of body odour. 


Moreover, continuous exposure to rainwater can also contribute to the problem, as it washes away the body's natural oils, disrupting the pH balance of the skin, and making it susceptible to bacterial growth.

Also ReadNatural Ways To Combat Monsoon Humidity And Keep Your Health Intact

Ways To Keep Monsoon Odour At Bay

Regular Bathing and Showering

During the monsoon, it becomes crucial to maintain proper hygiene. Showering at least twice a day can help wash away sweat and bacteria, reducing the chances of bad body odour. You can use a mild, antibacterial soap or body wash to cleanse your skin thoroughly.

Dry Yourself Completely


Dampness promotes bacterial growth, so keeping your skin dry will help prevent the musty smell. Ensure that you dry yourself completely, after bathing or getting wet in the rain. Pay extra attention to areas where sweat tends to accumulate, such as underarms, groin, and feet.

Wear Breathable Fabrics

Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen during the monsoon. These materials allow air circulation, reducing sweat retention and making it harder for bacteria to thrive.

Antiperspirants and Deodorants

Using antiperspirants can help control excessive sweating by blocking sweat ducts, while deodorants can mask unpleasant odours. Look for products with natural ingredients and no alcohol, as they are less likely to irritate your skin.

Foot Care


Your feet are prone to bacterial and fungal infections during the monsoon. So, keep your feet clean and dry, wear open-toed footwear to allow ventilation, and use talcum powder to absorb excess moisture.

Also ReadMonsoon Maladies: Why Are Foot Infections Common In Rainy Season?

Stay Hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day not only helps regulate body temperature but also dilutes sweat, reducing its odour.

Avoid Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can increase body heat, leading to more sweating. During the monsoon, try to consume lighter, non-spicy meals to minimise sweating and body odour.

Keep Clothes Clean

Wearing the same damp clothes over and over again can exacerbate body odour issues. Ensure you wash your clothes regularly and dry them thoroughly before wearing them again.


Monsoon may bring about the dreaded bad body odour, but with a few simple and practical steps, you can keep that musty smell at bay. Proper hygiene practices, regular bathing, wearing breathable fabrics, and using antiperspirants are some effective ways to combat unpleasant odours during the rainy season.

[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare provider to get a thorough diagnosis and treatment as per your health needs.]

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