Diabetes Care In Monsoon: 5 Tips To Follow

By following these five simple tips, individuals with diabetes can ensure better management of their condition during the monsoon season. 

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Jul 25, 2023 17:15 IST
Diabetes Care In Monsoon: 5 Tips To Follow

Onlymyhealth Tamil

As the monsoon season arrives, it brings refreshing showers and cooler weather. However, for individuals living with diabetes, this season can also present certain challenges. Fluctuations in humidity, temperature, and waterlogged streets can impact blood glucose levels and increase the risk of infections. To maintain stable health during the rainy season, people with diabetes must adopt specific precautions and practices. 

Diabetes Care In Monsoon 

Here are five essential tips for diabetes care during the monsoon:

1. Monitor Blood Glucose Levels Regularly

The change in weather during the monsoon can affect insulin sensitivity, leading to unpredictable blood glucose fluctuations. It becomes crucial to monitor blood sugar levels more frequently. Regular monitoring helps identify any deviations from the target range, allowing prompt adjustments in medication, diet, and lifestyle to maintain optimal control.

Diabetes Care In Monsoon

2. Stay Hydrated

While it may seem counterintuitive during the rainy season, staying hydrated is essential for people with diabetes. Humid weather can cause excessive sweating, leading to dehydration, which can adversely impact blood sugar levels. Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day and avoid sugary or carbonated drinks. Opt for water, herbal teas, or freshly squeezed fruit juices without added sugars.

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3. Maintain a Balanced Diet

The monsoon season may tempt us to indulge in fried snacks and sugary treats. However, for those managing diabetes, it is crucial to maintain a balanced diet. Consume a variety of fresh vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Incorporate seasonal fruits with low glycemic index values to help stabilise blood sugar levels. Additionally, avoid street food and prefer home-cooked meals to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Diabetes Care In Monsoon

4. Prevent Infections and Foot Care

During the monsoon, stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for various infections. People with diabetes must pay extra attention to foot care during this time. Keep feet clean and dry, wear appropriate footwear, and regularly inspect for any cuts, blisters, or infections. Promptly seek medical attention if any issues arise to prevent complications.

Also read: Green Bananas Benefits: 5 Health Benefits Of Consuming Raw Bananas

5. Exercise with Caution

Rainy weather might deter regular physical activity, but exercise remains essential for diabetes management. Opt for indoor exercises or take short walks during breaks in the rain. Be cautious of slippery surfaces to avoid falls that could lead to injuries, especially for those with diabetic neuropathy.

By following these five simple tips, individuals with diabetes can ensure better management of their condition during the monsoon season. Regular blood sugar monitoring, a balanced diet, proper hydration, foot care, and cautious exercise will help maintain stable glucose levels and reduce the risk of complications. Embracing a healthy lifestyle during the rainy season will not only protect against diabetes-related challenges but also improve overall well-being. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised guidance and support.
