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The Truth Behind Your Smile: Crucial Facts About Teeth And Oral Health

Your teeth are vital for maintaining a beautiful smile and understanding crucial facts about them can help maintain better oral hygiene.

Varun Verma
Written by: Varun VermaUpdated at: Jul 24, 2023 16:34 IST
The Truth Behind Your Smile: Crucial Facts About Teeth And Oral Health

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Your teeth are not only essential for chewing food but also contribute to your appearance and speech. Despite their importance, teeth and oral hygiene are frequently overlooked and taken for granted by many individuals. Understanding some important facts about teeth can help us maintain better oral hygiene and make informed decisions about dental care.

Facts About Teeth You Should Know

Following are the important facts you should know about your teeth and oral health, as per Dr Nihal Yadav, BDS, Amayra Dental Clinic, Kaushik Enclave, Burari, Delhi and Former Resident, Deen Dayal Hospital, Hari Nagar, Delhi.

Dental Health Affects Overall Health


"Inadequate or poor oral hygiene can result in a range of dental problems, including cavities, gum disease, and unpleasant breath," said Dr Yadav. According to the journal Scientific Reports, oral health problems can contribute to serious medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Also Read7 Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Tartar In Teeth

Tooth Enamel is Irreplaceable

"Tooth enamel is the hard, protective outer layer of your teeth and is the hardest substance in the human body, even stronger than bone. Despite its strength, once tooth enamel is damaged or eroded due to factors like acidic food, sugary beverages, or teeth grinding, it cannot regenerate," said Dr Yadav. Therefore, it is vital to protect your tooth enamel through a balanced diet and diligent oral care practices.

Baby Teeth Matter

"Some parents might overlook the importance of baby teeth, assuming they will eventually fall out. However, baby teeth play a crucial role in a child's dental development," said the doctor. He added that they help in proper speech development, maintain space for permanent teeth, and contribute to proper chewing. "Neglecting baby teeth can lead to issues that might affect the development of the child's permanent teeth," he stated.

Brushing Alone is Not Enough


"While regular brushing is fundamental for maintaining oral hygiene, it is not sufficient on its own. Flossing is equally important as it helps remove plaque and food particles from areas that a toothbrush cannot reach," said the doctor. "Additionally, using mouthwash can further reduce bacteria and promote fresher breath. A comprehensive oral care routine should include brushing, flossing, and mouthwash usage," he added.

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Dental Visits Are Essential

"Maintaining good oral health necessitates regular dental check-ups. Dentists can identify early signs of dental problems, offer professional cleaning, and provide personalised advice on dental care," said Dr Yadav. "Biannual visits to the dentist are generally recommended, but individuals with specific dental issues may need to visit more frequently," he added.


Your teeth are not only vital for maintaining a beautiful smile but also for your overall health. Understanding the important facts about teeth can help you take better care of your oral health and prevent dental issues. 

Your dental health is interconnected with your overall well-being, and neglecting it can lead to severe consequences. 

By following a consistent oral care routine, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, you can ensure healthy teeth and gums for a long time. Additionally, instilling good oral hygiene habits in children from an early age will set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.

[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare provider to get a thorough diagnosis and treatment as per your health needs.]

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